The Future is Today
Greetings! My name is Tasos Gourountis and i traveled 9499.3 kilometers in order to visit my beloved country Japan! My hometown is Patissia a small area in Athens, Greece. I am 24 years old and i study Tourism Management at Piraeus University of Applied Sciences. Some of my hobbies are acting, traveling, sailing and i also love anime and manga comics. You must be wondering what am i actually doing that far away from home. But to work for RINGROW of course!
RINGROW offered me the chance to have my Internship in the environment of one of my favorite cultures and adopt the lifestyle and the business module of Japan. The experience i gain from this process is very high, considering the fact that RINGROW offers a challenging and processional environment, especially for an Intern. Someone might think that it is difficult for someone to work in an environment that far away from his home. But for me, here in Japan, i feel like home, the people are kind, the food is amazing and the city is beautiful. I am so far from home, but yet i feel so close.
Greece Technology Information:
Greece is a technologically advanced country and all the latest technologies, such as smartphones, cars and personal computers,are easy to obtain. Greece, although the latest economic crisis that effects Europe, had one of the largest sales for Iphone6, a proof that Greeks like the new technologies. Public services, schools and universities digitized their equipment and they use internal systems with P.C. and several technologies, machines and devices to increase production.The Government hands out academic laptops to every Junior-High school students, offering the chance to young people to get familiar with technology. The Wi-Fi coverage is near 90% of the population, and the major companies of telecommunication such as Vodafone, offer high-speed mobile internet. Of course the technology currently used in Greece is not as efficient and as advanced as in Japan. There are still old technologies existing. It is notable that in the streets you see for example the latest technology cars, along with 20 years old cars. So people in Greece like new technologies but they also praise the old ones in case they are happy with their efficiency.
The Next Trend in Greece
Greeks like to obtain the latest technologies that are released so the next technological trend will be depending by new products. Although, there is a great increase in the usage of Applications for smartphones. In Greece people download all kinds of applications, from videogames to cooking manuals. The necessity of this application growth, leads to the need of greater technology to handle them, that is why i believe that Greece will have an increase number of Mobile phone devise sales in the near future. Another potential for technological needs, is the green energy investment plan. Greece has an extreme amount of solar and wind energy resources, but yet lacks the necessary technology to obtain them in order to use them for their economic profit. The technology for collecting the Green energy is highly needed and the country already made some open calls for companies, to supply not only the public energy plan system, but also private sector individuals with the latest industrial solar energy panels and wind turbines.
What is the Future of technology
We are living in the times of the fastest technological revolution our planet has ever seen. If we compare our science today, to the knowledge of science we had 20 years ago, there is no comparison. I cannot even imagine the technologies that we will use in the public market in the next years. But i can surely guess that Partial Artificial Intelligence will be included in them. The machines will also play a huge part in the advancements, replacing a lot of the everyday actions that people have to do today in their house, in their work, in their everyday life.
The fact that the human needs for technology are great, this results to the increased industry of science. And increased industry results to harming the environment even more. RINGROW can play a big role
in the decrease of this harm. By re-using devises, especially to the countries that welcome old technologies, such as Greece , reduces the amount of resources spend to produce the new technologies. In the future we will need companies like RINGROW, companies that have higher goals and ideologies, companies that take care of the environment as much as they take care of their costumers. That way we can all enjoy the future years of technological advancements and develop not only our science fields, but also our own planet.
These where my points of view about technological future in Greece and the planet generally. I am very happy to work for RINGROW and play a small part in the environmental plan that the company has as ideals. No matter the country of origin, we all leave in the same planet, and we owe to protect it no matter what the cost.
Tasos Gourountis
Tokyo, Japan 2016
こんにちは!私はTasos Gourountisと言います。日本まで9499.3キロメートルの距離を旅して来ました。私の故郷はギリシャで、Patissiaというアテネにある小さな街です。私の年齢は24歳で、Piraeus University of Applied Sciences(ピレウス大学)でツーリズムマネジメントについて勉強していました。私の趣味は演劇、旅行、セイリング、そしてアニメとマンガが大好きです。きっとあなたは、私がこんな故郷から遠く離れた地で実際何をしているのか不思議に思っているでしょう。それはもちろん、リングローで働いているのです!
社長ブログ「碇敏之 ふつうのおじさん」を開設!!
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リ:リングロー 大:株式会社アットオフィス 大竹様
2015年12月18日にリングローの15周年記念パーティーが行われました。 今回はその
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- 今年もリングローに新しい仲間が増えました!